Tuesday 6 October 2015

Post 4 : My PC

Hi Guys , today I will talk you about my favorite Gadget , my Pc . I like it because I m a fanatic of the video games , I play video games since I was a little child , is my most impòrtant Hobby , Is not very productive but i really like it :B , I can play for hours , the problem is that I usually do that even in the night , so I m very tired everytime.
I think that the Pc's are better than game consoles because pc's are more powerful in graphics, and you can replace its parts for other most better .

My life without my pc probably will be very boring . Probably I could meet too much people and even I could meet to the love of my life but .... nah I prefer my pc :/ .

If you ask me how I see myself in the future is something like that( And I m so proud of that):

Ok guys its time to go :c , I see you later !


  1. Hi! i like the pcs too, and although i not play in it so much like you, i enjoy the graphics and the emotion to be playing so many hours, even when is getting late, see you :)

  2. Hi! i like the pcs too, and although i not play in it so much like you, i enjoy the graphics and the emotion to be playing so many hours, even when is getting late, see you :)

  3. Hi Matias! I don't love the laptop but like me too! IS essencial for make works, and you can saw movies there ,can keep your photos is fascinating! Bye see you!

  4. Hi Matias! I don't love the laptop but like me too! IS essencial for make works, and you can saw movies there ,can keep your photos is fascinating! Bye see you!

  5. Hello :) Do you love the laptop too? :) We are a lot!! jaja I like the pictures that you posted :D

  6. Yes ! video games are the best !, I love playing "The Sims ," I can spend hours playing on the pc jajaj
