Thursday 3 December 2015

Time Line

I was born on may 10, 1996 in Vallenar city, this picture was taken on may of 1997 for my first birthday , you can see me very happy with my sisters and my parents , that was a niceperiod because we all were together , now my sisters are working here in Santiago , but I dont see them since a long time ago and my parents now are divorced.
This photo was taken on 2003 , it is " Chay" my first pet and my first bestfriend , we found it sleeping in a little box on the street. it was very important to me , was one of the two animals that I had and that marked my childhood. Was a very nice dog, very clever , I miss it :( ..

It was "Felix" my other pet and friend of childhood , we find it on may of 2005 , it was the best cat I've ever seen , it was very lazy but funny , it always was with me when I was in home, one day it fell ill and died , it was very sad , but I remember it with happiness for the good moment that we pass together :3 .

This picture was taken on 2012 , when with my friends(and team of handball) win a tournament in Vallenar , that was important to me because we spend a lot of hours practicing together , so we became very close friends ,they are still my friends and I m very happy for that. The tournament was very hard but also very funny :) .

Hahahaha this picture was taken on the day of my graduation , on december 15 of 2014. My class in the highschool was very funny , We never took anything seriously , that graduation was very ... special because , we really had a very bad behavior, but every day was like that with this guys, but I appreciate them anyway :B .

Omg I remember this hahaha , was in my "study tour"(I dont know why it have the word "study" but anyway) , in Brazil on January of 2014 , that vacation was awesome , really awesome , we meet a lot of nice people from a lot of countries, not only from Brazil ( Yes , in Brazil there are a lot of Brazilian people , I know, I m a genius ) , the best words to describe this "study tour" are "very VERY AWESOME) :)

This picture was taken on January of this year (2015), we were celebrating with my friends of highshool the birthday of one of my bestfriend , Nicolás , was a very funny moment , for thing of the life , he cant study this year in the university , but I hope that the next year he can do it in Santiago , because he's a important person to me. Anyway that's because it moment is important to me.

This photo is very recent really , but is part of a big change in my live , this was taken in this year (2015) in my birthday , this year I m studying veterinary in the "Universidad de Chile", I came to live to Santiago for that , this Guys in the photo are my friends here , I m not very good making friends , so I m very happy to meet them , they are awesome people , and I know that they will be a important part of my life too :B .

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