Tuesday 22 September 2015

post 2: My Opinions

what is my opinion about smartphones ?

The Smart Phones make our live more easy in a lot of ways , now we dont need a computer to conect us to internet and talk with our friends or family , but the negative is that we are dependent , every day I see a lot of people looking them Phones and dont pay attention to anything else , they look like addicts and that behavior can make some accidents.

What my your opinion about women in the military?

Personally I have a friend in the military , She looks very happy there . Time ago this probably was very unusual , but our society is changing constantly , now womans have the same rights of the men , and they can do thing that in other times probably look imposible.

What is my opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I agree with that , because in cases like rape , every woman have the right to abort , you cant force to a woman to have a child that she will probably see like the fruit of an horrible moment of her life that she need to forget.

What is my opinion about recycling?

Is very important take care of the planet that we lives , a lot of species are dying because we are been careless . we are so egoist , like we are the only important in this planet. we need to know that the live can continue existent in this planet without us .

What is my opinion about violence on television?

I dont think that the violence in the tv or video games is the cause of the increased on the number of crimes like the people who work in the tv say , in that case I would be a potencial psychopath because , since young I have seen violent programs or played violent videogames and that dont affect me anyway .

Tuesday 15 September 2015


My Name is Matías Maturana , I was born in Vallenar on may 10 of 1996 . presently I m living in Santiago Because I'm studying veterinary medicine in the university of Chile.

About my family, I have two sisters , they are living in Santiago too , I see them sometimes.
My mother is in Vallenar , I call her everyday , I really miss her , my city and my old friends.

My favorite kind of music is the 90's Rock , Nirvana , Led zeppeling , pink floyd , guns n' roses for example.
I like metal bands too , like Metallica and Iron Maiden .
classics like the beatles or punk bands like El Ultimo Ke Zierre ,Marea and Extremoduro.

My hobby was play bass , but I let my bass in Vallenar :'(

Ok , I dont know what more I can tell you ... so Bye :B.